Simulations pinpoint wind turbine vantage points

Putting small and medium-size wind turbines in the wrong place within built environments can cause them to be less effective—or even have no effect at all—according to research from a Murdoch University PhD student.

The physics of beer tapping

An old, hilarious if somewhat juvenile party trick involves covertly tapping the top of someone's newly opened beer bottle and then standing back as the suds foam out onto the floor.

Chasing the black holes of the ocean

According to researchers from ETH Zurich and the University of Miami, some of the largest ocean eddies on Earth are mathematically equivalent to the mysterious black holes of space. These eddies are so tightly shielded by ...

How new substances form

Gas bubbles rise in a liquid. What looks like a bottle of sparkling mineral water actually is a type of reactor frequently used in industry – a bubble column. These reactors are found in laboratories and large technology ...

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