Wobbling droplets in space confirm late professor's theory

At a time when astronomers around the world are reveling in new views of the distant cosmos, an experiment on the International Space Station has given Cornell researchers fresh insight into something a little closer to home: ...

Quantum systems and the flight of the bee

At first glance, a system consisting of 51 ions may appear easily manageable. But even if these charged atoms are only changed back and forth between two states, the result is more than two quadrillion (1015) different orderings ...

Dynamics of ocean worlds likely controlled by their rotation

Discovering that many of the large moons in the outer solar system may host significant subsurface oceans of liquid water has been a key advance in planetary science. These moons represent some of the most promising habitats ...

Visualizing spin angular momentum in water waves

Water waves can be used to visualize fundamental concepts, such as spin angular momentum, that arise in relativistic field theory, RIKEN physicists have shown. This will help to provide new insights into very different wave ...

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