For flour beetles, it's better to be a woman in a man's world

For red flour beetles, being a female in a male world is advantageous. Unlike humans, where this situation traditionally confers a disadvantage, female flour beetles in male-dominated groups seem to reproduce better and live ...

Improved egg enabled insects to conquer the land

Insects are so successful on the land because insect eggs are protected from desiccation. Thanks to an extraembryonic membrane in the egg, the serosa, insects could successfully switch from life in the water to life on land. ...

Pining for a beetle genome

The sequencing and assembly of the genome of the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae, is published online this week in Genome Biology. The species is native to North America, where it is currently wreaking havoc ...

Can you really eat just one?

A Kansas State University genomicist is hoping an old potato chip slogan -- "betcha can't eat just one" -- will become the mindset of researchers when it comes to sequencing insect genomes.

Researchers collect 'signals intelligence' on insect pests

Using commercially available parts, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists and colleagues have developed a new automated system for detecting insects based on the peculiar sounds the insects make while moving.

Controlling insects in stored grain

( -- Aeration -- blowing ambient air through grain storage bins -- has been used for decades to maintain the quality of grain by keeping it cool, as well as to manage stored insect pests. But few recent studies ...

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