The floodwaters of Mars

( —Dramatic flood events carved this impressive channel system on Mars covering 1.55 million square kilometres, shown here in a stunning new mosaic from ESA's Mars Express.

Bold action, big money needed to curb Asia floods

Asia's flood-prone megacities should fund major drainage, water recycling and waste reduction projects to stem deluges and secure clean supply for their booming populations, experts said Sunday.

Sushi for peccaries?

It turns out the white-lipped peccary—a piglike animal from Central and South America—will settle for fish when fruits (its main food) are no longer on the menu, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society and partners ...

Living with flood risk

In this issue of Planning Theory and Practice, our Interface section explores a shift from a 'keep flood water out' approach towards a long-term strategy of mitigating flood risk and increasing the resilience of our communities ...

Superfast model brain to predict flooding during heavy rain

( —Heavy rain has one again resulted in widespread flooding across the country. With climate change likely to cause further severe weather events in the coming years, methods of quickly predicting flooding will ...

NASA satellites analyze Typhoon Bopha inside and out

Typhoon Bopha proved deadly to residents in the Mindanao region of the Philippines after ravaging islands in Micronesia. NASA's Aqua and TRMM satellites peered at the storm inside and out, providing forecasters with valuable ...

Researchers study 'middle ground' of sea-level change

(—The effects of storm surge and sea-level rise have become topics of everyday conversation in the days and weeks following Hurricane Sandy's catastrophic landfall along the mid-Atlantic coast.

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