Increased flooding driven by climate change: study

Global warming driven by human activity boosted the intensity of rain, snow and consequent flooding in the northern hemisphere over the last half of the 20th century, research released Wednesday has shown.

Ground shaking during devastating flood offers new insights

A devastating wall of water gushed down the Bhotekoshi/Sunkoshi River in Nepal on July 5, 2016. It came from a lake that had been dammed by a glacial moraine, but the dam broke and discharged more than 100,000 tons of water ...

Determining the causes of the 1931 Yangtze River Deluge

In the summer of 1931, an unprecedented calamity unfolded along the Yangtze River basin in eastern China—the 1931 Yangtze River flood, known as one of history's deadliest natural disasters. This cataclysmic event submerged ...

Flood-prone populations up nearly 25% since 2000: study

The number of people exposed to floods worldwide has surged almost a quarter over the last two decades, according to satellite-based data that shows an additional 86 million now live within flood-prone regions.

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