Related topics: birds

New mass death of birds in Sweden

In a week that saw unexplained massive bird deaths in the southern United States, up to 100 birds were found lying in a snow-covered street in Sweden Wednesday, officials said.

Personality of geese determines their foraging behaviour

When searching for food, slow, shy barnacle geese follow information given by their flock mates. On the other hand, fast, bold geese ignore this type of information and go off in search for food on their own. Whether barnacle ...

Death rate spikes among migrating whooping cranes

(AP) -- The world's only naturally migrating whooping cranes, and the species' best chance for survival, died at about twice their normal rate last year and will likely see an overall drop in their numbers, a worrying sign ...

Reasons not to hug, snuggle or kiss chicks and chickens

Sometimes it hurts to dispel facts with science, but a Texas A&M AgriLife expert said even though there is a National Snuggle a Chicken Day (celebrated on Jan. 8), he hopes people don't hug and kiss baby chicks and chickens ...

Protecting poultry from bird flu

With winter approaching, birds are migrating south to escape the cold and take advantage of more abundant food sources.

Bird flu infects Iowa egg farm with 1 million chickens

Iowa agriculture officials said Monday that another commercial egg farm in the state has been infected with bird flu, the first commercial farm case identified since April, when a turkey farm was infected.

Bird flu forces egg farm to euthanize 3 million chickens

An outbreak of bird flu that has led to the deaths of 43 million chickens and turkeys this year across the U.S. has been found at a giant egg-laying operation in Ohio, state and federal agriculture officials said Wednesday.

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