New mild onions offer great taste, long shelf life

( —Cornell researchers have developed new mild onions that will have chefs crying – tears of joy. Twelve years in development and with a couple years of testing to go, researchers say it will be just a few years ...

Advice for bag-in-box wine drinkers: Keep it cool

Bag-in-box wines are more likely than their bottled counterparts to develop unpleasant flavors, aromas and colors when stored at warm temperatures, a new study has found. Published in ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food ...

Choosing the right mango for the right product

With over a thousand different varieties of mangoes to choose from, selecting the right variety for mango products can be a daunting task. A new study in the Journal of Food Science, published by the Institute of Food Technologists ...

Wild weather to yield better Finger Lakes wines

(—This year's weather threw several curve balls to New York growers—an early, warm spring, a sudden cold snap in April, and a hot, dry summer. But while some vineyards report a reduced crop, many anticipate that ...

New chemistry technique reproduces nature's elusive complexity

(—Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have shown how to synthesize in the laboratory an important set of natural compounds known as terpenes. The largest class of chemicals made by living organisms, terpenes ...

Research yields key to better predictions of El Nino

( -- A University of Maryland scientist and an undergraduate Indian student he mentored in India have uncovered a major new finding about El Nino -- the cyclical climate event that appears every 2-7 years, sometimes ...

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