Video: Are we running out of vanilla?

Vanilla is more than a standby ice cream flavor. It's used to flavor approximately 18,000 food products worldwide and in nearly every sweet you can think of. But a shortage of vanilla beans and a rising demand for them means ...

Hazardous chemicals discovered in flavored e-cigarette vapor

Building on more than 30 years of air quality research in some of the most polluted urban environments on Earth, a team of atmospheric scientists at the Desert Research Institute (DRI) have turned their attention toward the ...

Meeting demand for 'natural' vanilla calls for creativity

In recent years, consumers have increasingly been looking for "natural" ingredients in their food products. But when it comes to one of the world's most popular flavors, vanilla, meeting that demand has been difficult. So ...

Two approaches to enhancing tomato flavor

Anyone who has ever wondered why some tomatoes can taste so bland might be interested in the work of two Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists in Fort Pierce, Florida. They are taking two different approaches to ...

Video: Why are truffles truly tremendous?

What is expensive, a delicious addition to pasta and grows underground on the roots of trees? You guessed it—truffles. While some people find the smell of truffles awful, for many people, the smell and flavor is worth tens ...

Tuning chocolate flavor through yeast research

Researchers of Leuven University and VIB in Belgium have shown that the yeasts used to ferment cocoa during chocolate production can modify the aroma of the resulting chocolate.

Research ushers in new era of boutique chocolate

A team of Belgian researchers has shown that the yeasts used to ferment cocoa during chocolate production can modify the aroma of the resulting chocolate. "This makes it possible to create a whole range of boutique chocolates ...

How green tea could help improve MRIs

Green tea's popularity has grown quickly in recent years. Its fans can drink it, enjoy its flavor in their ice cream and slather it on their skin with lotions infused with it. Now, the tea could have a new, unexpected role—to ...

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