Why do some people believe the Earth is flat?

If you type 'flat Earth' into Google, you'd be joining a group of people that have helped to triple the search term over the last couple of years. In fact, a recent YouGov poll found that only around two-thirds of Americans ...

Flat wrong: the misunderstood history of flat Earth theories

For most people, being described as a "flat Earther" is an insult. The idea of the Earth being flat is considered not only wrong, but a model of wrongness, the gold standard of being incorrect about something.

What would happen if the Earth were actually flat?

Welcome to the new year, 2018. The Earth has yet again made a revolution about the sun. But not so fast. If you subscribe to the idea of a flat Earth, then you'd believe that no such thing happened, because the sun rotates ...

Earth's rarest metals ranked in supply risk list

(PhysOrg.com) -- A new list published by the British Geological Survey, or BGS, ranks 52 of Earth's elements based on their risk of supply disruption. Andrew Bloodworth, from BGS, points out that the likelihood of the world ...

How to reason with flat earthers (it may not help though)

Thinking that the earth might be flat appears to have grown in popularity in recent years. Indeed, flat earthers are gathering for their annual conference this year in Birmingham, just two miles from my own university.

Image: Sounding rockets launch into an aurora

The interaction of solar winds and Earth's atmosphere produces northern lights, or auroras, that dance across the night sky and mesmerize the casual observer. However, to scientists this interaction is more than a light display. ...

Obama to announce rare earth trade case against China

US President Barack Obama will Tuesday announce a new trade suit against China prompted by Beijing's restrictions on the export of rare earth materials used in manufacturing high-tech products.

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