Related topics: sun ยท solar flares

MinXSS CubeSat brings new information to study of solar flares

Along with the visible light and warmth constantly emitted by our sun comes a whole spectrum of X-ray and ultraviolet radiation that streams toward Earth. A new CubeSat โ€“ a miniature satellite that provides a low-cost platform ...

Swiss space research reaches for the sky

The Rosetta mission is coming to an end, but the next expeditions across our solar system are ready for lift-off, carrying with them a number of state-of-the-art devices made in Switzerland.

IRIS spots plasma rain on sun's surface

On July 24, 2016, NASA's Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, or IRIS, captured a mid-level solar flare: a sudden flash of bright light on the solar limb โ€“ the horizon of the sun โ€“ as seen at the beginning of this video. ...

MinXSS CubeSat deployed from ISS to study Sun's soft X-rays

On May 16, 2016, the bread loaf-sized Miniature X-Ray Solar Spectrometer, or MinXSS, CubeSat deployed from an airlock on the International Space Station to begin its journey into space. The NASA-funded MinXSS studies emissions ...

Image: NASA's SDO captures mid-level solar flare

The sun emitted a mid-level solar flare, peaking at 8:29 pm EDT on April 17, 2016. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, which watches the sun constantly, captured an image of the event. Solar flares are powerful bursts of radiation. ...

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