From stronger Kevlar to better biology

Place two large, sturdy logs in a streambed, and they will help guide the water in a particular direction. But imagine if the water started mimicking the rigidity of the logs in addition to flowing along them. That's essentially ...

UC San Diego engineers play role in warehouse fire safety

Imagine this: Firefighters enter a several football field-sized, 60-foot high, pitch-black warehouse and they can't see inside—they don't know if there is an inferno or a small fire with a lot of smoke. It's a very ...

US needs offensive weapons in cyberwar: general

The United States needs to develop offensive weapons in cyberspace as part of its effort to protect the nation from cyber attacks, a senior military official said Thursday.

Flame design in space may lead to soot-free fire

For decades, scientists have been able to burn fuels in a flame without creating any soot, and they think they know why. They've crunched the numbers and run experiments in high-tech facilities, but there's only one way to ...

Flame repelent furniture manufactured from recycled materials

Fires in urban zones and public transportation are common because flammable material is used in its manufacture; in order to reduce this problematic, the Center for Applied Innovation and Competitive Technologies (CIATEC) ...

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