Image: Hubble spots swirls of dust in the flame Nebula

The Flame Nebula, also called NGC 2024, is a large star-forming region in the constellation Orion that lies about 1,400 light-years from Earth. It's a portion of the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex, which includes such famous ...

Creating cotton that is fireproof and comfortable

State-of-the-art flame retardant cotton textiles suffer from release of formaldehyde and are uncomfortable to wear. Empa scientists managed to circumvent this problem by creating a physically and chemically independent network ...

'Cool flames' ignited in space

A discovery has been made in Earth's orbit—steady spherical cool diffusion flames. Measurements in these flames could help improve the engines of the future.

The amazing world of flame balls, doughnuts and horseshoes

Flame balls are gentle and fragile spherical flames that up till recently could only exist in conditions of near-zero gravity. Researchers at TU/e have managed to observe flameballs at normal earth-bound conditions, and thus, ...

Study reveals high levels of contaminants in killer whales

Little is known concerning environmental contaminants in predators at the top of a food chain. A study published in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry has demonstrated that new types of brominated flame retardants accumulate ...

Want a healthier home? Start with your couch

A new study shows that when people replace their old couch with a new one that has no added flame retardants, levels of the harmful chemicals in household dust drop significantly. Replacing the foam inside the couch cushions ...

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