Bacteria could help to capture greenhouse gases

Carbon dioxide is an important molecule necessary for life on Earth. Trees need CO2 for photosynthesis, crops produce higher yields in its presence, and some bacteria can transform it into food. The molecule is even an important ...

Cable bacteria: Electric marvels of microbial world

The emergence of multicellularity, requiring complex interactions between different groups of individual cells for metabolic and physiological benefits, is a great success in the history of biology. While multicellularity ...

How fast-growing algae could enhance growth of food crops

A new study provides a framework to boost crop growth by incorporating a strategy adopted from a fast-growing species of green algae. The algae, known as Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, contain an organelle called the pyrenoid ...

How a soil microbe could rev up artificial photosynthesis

Plants rely on a process called carbon fixation—turning carbon dioxide from the air into carbon-rich biomolecules—for their very existence. That's the whole point of photosynthesis, and a cornerstone of the vast interlocking ...

Toward a quantum computer that calculates molecular energy

Quantum computers are getting bigger, but there are still few practical ways to take advantage of their extra computing power. To get over this hurdle, researchers are designing algorithms to ease the transition from classical ...

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