Solving the mysteries of astrophysics: Ultracold neutrons

Scientists at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU, Germany) have built what is currently the strongest source of ultracold neutrons. Ultracold neutrons (UCNs) were first generated here five years ago. They are much slower ...

US detects 'minuscule' radioactivity from Japan

A radiation monitor in California detected a "minuscule" amount of an isotope from Japan's crippled nuclear power plant, officials said Friday, but insisted it was of no concern.

How does a nuclear meltdown work? (w/ Video)

( -- When working properly, nuclear reactors produce large amounts of heat via nuclear fission reactions. The heat converts the surrounding water into steam, which turns turbines and generates electricity. But ...

Planning for a nuclear future

Materials scientists and engineers from six UK universities are joining forces to forecast the life expectancy of nuclear power reactors.

New territory in nuclear fission explored with ISOLDE

An international collaboration led by the University of Leuven, Belgium, exploiting ISOLDE’s radioactive beams, has recently discovered an unexpected new type of asymmetric nuclear fission, which challenges current theories. ...

New type of nuclear fission discovered

( -- Nuclear fission, or the splitting of a heavy nucleus, usually results in symmetrical fragments of the same mass. Physicists attribute the few known examples of fission that is asymmetric to the formation ...

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