Microplastics pollution in Falklands as high as UK

The first study to investigate microplastics around Ascension Island and the Falkland Islands—two of the most remote locations in the South Atlantic Ocean—has found levels of contamination comparable with the waters around ...

Entrepreneurs aim to end ghostfishing

A small device, developed in Norway, will now be used in the battle against environmentally-unfriendly ghost fishing caused by lost or forgotten fishing gear.

Dolphins tear up nets as fish numbers fall

Fishing nets suffer six times more damage when dolphins are around – and overfishing is forcing dolphins and fishermen ever closer together, new research shows.

Catching dead satellites with nets

One of humanity's oldest technologies, the humble fishing net, may yet find a new role in space: bringing down dead satellites.

Bangladesh's otter fishing tradition faces extinction

Swimming in circles alongside a fishing boat, the excited cries of two short-haired otters ring out across a river in southern Bangladesh that feeds into the Sundarbans, the world's largest mangrove forest.

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