'Dead or alive' bounty offered for China piranhas

Authorities in southern China have moved to quash a bizarre piranha threat, offering bounties and free bait amid fears the aggressive South American fish has invaded a river, state media said on Thursday.

Catching dead satellites with nets

One of humanity's oldest technologies, the humble fishing net, may yet find a new role in space: bringing down dead satellites.

Little African grebe becomes extinct

A tawny water fowl that lived in a tiny corner of Madagascar is extinct, wiped out by an introduced species of predatory fish and by nylon fishing nets, conservationists reported on Wednesday.

Indonesia's 'unique' whale sharks get pet tags

The "unique habit" of whale sharks that converge to feed from fishing nets in Indonesia has allowed them to be tagged with low-cost technology usually used on pets, conservationists said Tuesday.

Sawfish face global extinction unless overfishing is curbed

Sawfish have disappeared from half of the world's coastal waters and the distinctive shark-like rays face complete extinction due to overfishing, according to a new study by Simon Fraser University researchers, published ...

Lucky survivors rescued by Fla. turtle hospital

(AP) -- The turtles at this waterfront hospital have been hit by boat propellers, caught in fishing nets, attacked by sharks, stricken with tumors and lost flippers.

Biodegradable fishing nets may help protect marine animals

When synthetic non-biodegradable fishing nets are lost, abandoned, or discarded at sea, they may continue to catch fish and other animals for a long period of time—a phenomenon is known as 'ghost fishing'.

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