Skrei fever hits Norway as Arctic cod spawn

Grabbing a cod head, Alexander Leirvold expertly threads it onto a long spike on a wooden pole before cutting out the pearly-white tongue, considered a culinary delicacy.

Tuna showdown looms at Samoa conference

Small Pacific island states and powerful foreign fishing nations are heading for a showdown next week over management of the world's largest tuna fishery.

Study shows depleted fish stocks can come back from the brink

( —Nature is a lot more resilient than we sometimes think. A study by Rutgers marine scientists published recently in Science shows that species of fish that have been overfished for decades can often be brought ...

Action needed to keep fish on the menu in 2050

The latest study suggests we may still be able to eat as much fish as we do today 40 years from now. But for that to happen, we'll have to change our ways, say scientists.

No sea change for European fishing

An ambitious reform of Europe's fishing sector to help replenish shrinking fish stocks appears likely to be watered down substantially by European Union nations, diplomats said Friday.

More protection for the big ones

Many popular measures to combat overfishing help conserve mostly small juvenile fish. The results from a set of international studies may now revolutionise fishing regulations.

Hong Kong bans trawling to save fish stocks

Hong Kong has banned trawl fishing in its waters, a decision welcomed by conservationists Friday as a crucial move to save fish stocks and revive the city's depleted marine environment.

US keeps bluefin tuna off endangered list

The United States on Friday rejected calls to protect Atlantic bluefin tuna as an endangered species, saying that while it was worried about overfishing it did not fear imminent extinction.

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