Climate change found to be reducing fish weight

Fish weight in the western North Pacific Ocean dipped in the 2010s due to warmer water limiting food supplies, according to a new study at the University of Tokyo. The work appears in Fish and Fisheries.

Dolphins tear up nets as fish numbers fall

Fishing nets suffer six times more damage when dolphins are around – and overfishing is forcing dolphins and fishermen ever closer together, new research shows.

EU parliament strengthens seal hunt ban

European lawmakers voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to strengthen an EU ban on seal products, narrowing exceptions made for Canada's indigenous Inuits.

Endangered delicacy: Japan eel on species red list

(AP)—The Japanese eel, a popular summertime delicacy that has become prohibitively expensive due to overfishing, has been put on the international conservation "red list" in a move that may speed up Japan's push for industrial ...

Hunting jellyfish threaten fish stocks

Far from being at the whim of wave and tide, the enigmatic jellyfish has been found by new research to move deliberately in search of food – an ability that could threaten the future of other species already at risk ...

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