Researchers developing techniques for tuna aquaculture

Swimming around and around in a 20,000 gallon tank at the University of Rhode Island's Bay Campus are several large yellowfin tuna captured last fall about 100 miles off the Rhode Island coast. The fish are part of the first ...

Deep refuges 'can help save our reefs'

( —Marine scientists from Australia and the USA today called for global efforts to protect deeper coral reefs as insurance against the widespread destruction of shallow reefs and their fish stocks now taking place ...

UN warns of jellyfish 'vicious circle' in Med

The United Nations on Thursday warned overfishing in the Mediterranean was boosting jellyfish, which reduce stocks further and it called for jellyfish to be used in food, medicine and cosmetics.

Spain and France agree on fishing quota swap

Spain and France have reached an agreement on swapping fishing quotas which will allow for Spain to fish more hake and monkfish, authorities said Saturday.

EU begins difficult talks on fishery reforms

EU fisheries ministers began difficult talks Monday on reforms to the bloc's under-pressure fishing regime, with plans to stop the dumping of unwanted fish a key sticking point.

Boom in jellyfish: Overfishing called into question

Will we soon be forced to eat jellyfish? Since the beginning of the 2000s, these gelatinous creatures have invaded many of the world's seas, like the Japan Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, etc. Is it a cyclic phenomenon, ...

Study shows depleted fish stocks can come back from the brink

( —Nature is a lot more resilient than we sometimes think. A study by Rutgers marine scientists published recently in Science shows that species of fish that have been overfished for decades can often be brought ...

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