Innovative autonomous system for identifying schools of fish

The University of Haifa (Israel) and two teams from the IMDEA Networks Institute have developed an innovative autonomous system, SYMBIOSIS, to monitor real-time schools of fish. This system, which combines optical and acoustic ...

Dolphins tear up nets as fish numbers fall

Fishing nets suffer six times more damage when dolphins are around – and overfishing is forcing dolphins and fishermen ever closer together, new research shows.

Marine scientists steer trawlers away from sensitive sea floors

Bottom trawling, where fishing boats drag a heavy net along the seafloor, can devastate marine habitats and cause fish stocks to plummet, but scientists have developed new eco-friendly techniques to support the sustainability ...

Sustainable fishing in one of Malawi's biggest wetlands

The Elephant Marsh is one of the biggest wetlands in Malawi and many of the country's inhabitants rely on it for their small-scale fishing catch. To make their small fisheries sustainable and future-proof, the government ...

The worrying state of Mediterranean fish stocks

Fish stocks in the Mediterranean Sea are deteriorating at an alarming rate. A recent analysis by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) shows that 93% of the assessed fish stocks are overexploited, and a number ...

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