Related topics: fish

Offshore wind farms change marine ecosystems, study shows

The expansion of offshore wind farms in the North Sea is making progress. But the consequences for the marine environment they are built in have not yet been fully researched. Scientists at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon have ...

Microplastics pass through fish, altering nutrient metabolism

When Dong-Fang Deng and her students make feed for the fish they raise at UWM's School of Freshwater Sciences, they often use ground fishmeal—dried fish parts from fisheries or wild catch—as the protein source.

Happier fish through mass spectrometry

Skoltech researchers and their Russian and Norwegian colleagues have investigated the effect of ozonation on the organic compounds dissolved in recirculating water at a fish farm. Published in the Science of the Total Environment, ...

Freshwater mussels can inhibit bacterial diseases

Researchers from the University of Jyväskylä found brown trout better survived a Flavobacterium disease outbreak if the fish had larvae of freshwater pearl mussel in their gills. In another study, duck mussels were observed ...

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