Related topics: fish

Jumping snails leap over global warming

Snails in the Great Barrier Reef literally jump for their life to avoid predators. But will they be able to maintain these life-saving jumps, with rising sea temperatures? A new study, to be presented at the Society for Experimental ...

Nemo helps anemone partner breath by fanning with his fins

Setting up home in the stinging tentacles of a sea anemone might seem like a risky option, but anemonefish – also known as clownfish and popularised in the movie Finding Nemo – are perfectly content in their unlikely ...

Amazon freshwater ecosystems found vulnerable to degradation

A study published in Conservation Letters this week found that freshwater ecosystems in the Amazon are highly vulnerable to environmental degradation. River, lake and wetland ecosystems—encompassing approximately one-fifth ...

FDA says fast-growing fish would not harm nature (Update)

U.S. government health regulators say a genetically modified salmon that grows twice as fast as normal is unlikely to harm the environment, clearing the way for the first approval of a scientifically engineered animal for ...

Ohioans love their lakes, but are concerned for their future

Almost 41 percent of Ohioans have visited a lake, pond, river or creek in the state in the past year, and of those, nearly one-half usually spend their water-related recreational time at Lake Erie, according to preliminary ...

8 species of wild fish have been detected in aquaculture feed

Researchers from the University of Oviedo have for the first time analysed a DNA fragment from commercial feed for aquarium cichlids, aquaculture salmon and marine fish in aquariums. The results show that in order to manufacture ...

Hawaiian monk seal sent to Waikiki to save species

The Hawaiian monk seal, the most endangered marine mammal in the United States, has a long list of threats - fishing nets, sharks and, particularly, humans. But for one group of seals, the biggest threat came from one of ...

Fish consumption at all time high, says UN agency

Fish consumption reached record levels in 2010 and world stocks need to be urgently rebuilt, experts at the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation said in a report Monday.

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