Fishy mystery of Bristol marine reptile solved

The identity of a local prehistoric marine reptile has finally been revealed after experts discovered that some of its remains actually belonged to fish.

Neutron experiments reveal what maintains good function in bones

Around 500 million years ago, early vertebrates in the seas became fish, adopting an inner skeleton and a flexible spine based on a nanocomposite of fibers and mineral, known as bone material. This "invention" of evolution ...

Insight into the evolution of bones

A joint team of paleontologists has now for the first time analyzed bone structures in 400 million-year-old fossils of marine life at unprecedentedly high resolution and in 3D. To be able to view these structures, tomography ...

Fossil poop shows fishy lunches from 200 million years ago

A new study of coprolites, fossil poop, shows the detail of food webs in the ancient shallow seas around Bristol in south-west England. One hungry fish ate part of the head of another fish before snipping off the tail of ...

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