Augmented reality for firefighters

An EPFL team is working on a smart visor that, combined with a thermal imaging camera, will help firefighters see what's around them in real time, even at night and in smoke.

Rain to help in fight against California fires

Cooler temperatures and rain are expected to provide much-needed help in the fight against massive fires roaring through northern California, officials said Wednesday.

California oil spill gushed like hose 'without a nozzle'

Firefighters investigating a reported petroleum stench at a California beach last month didn't take long to find a spill—oil was spreading across the sand and into the surf. Tracing the source, they found crude gushing ...

Chemical cloud over Spanish town after factory accident

A chemical accident at a factory in Spain on Thursday injured three people and cloaked large swathes of the region in an orange chemical cloud, forcing over 60,000 people to stay indoors before it disappeared.

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