Wildfire threatens Spain natural park

Firefighters were battling Wednesday to put out a wildfire near one of Spain's famous Estrecho natural park in the south west of the country.

Study: How firefighters and others take leaps of faith

A study of firefighters in the United States breaks new ground in understanding how groups of workers—especially those in high-risk occupations—are able to take leaps of faith. The study conveys what goes into a person's ...

NASA satellite shows California shrouded in smoke

NASA's Aqua satellite captured this natural color image of the fires in California and the resultant smoke that has shrouded the state and swept eastward as far as Salt Lake City and still moving. Dangerous and deadly fires ...

Thousands flee new California blaze, governor asks aid

Thousands of people in Southern California had fled a deliberately set blaze southeast of Los Angeles by Saturday morning, after the state's governor requested federal aid to help battle a deadly fire elsewhere.

Soldiers deployed to help fight wildfire in England

A hundred soldiers and a military helicopter on Thursday joined firefighters battling a rare wildfire in northern England that could burn for weeks amid sustained hot weather, officials said.

Image: Tracking aerosols from California's fires

The new Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite captured the presence of elevated absorbing aerosols – caused by fires – in the atmosphere off the west coast of the US on 12 December 2017.

Battling flames increases firefighters' exposure to carcinogens

The threat of getting burned by roaring flames is an obvious danger of firefighting, but other health risks are more subtle. For example, firefighters have been found to develop cancer at higher rates than the general population. ...

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