How nature's patterns form

When people on airplanes ask Alan Newell what he works on, he tells them "flower arrangements."

Turning clothes into silent witnesses

Forensic experts at the University of Abertay Dundee and the Scottish Police Services Authority (SPSA) are leading the way in the research of new ground-breaking forensic techniques within the field of fingerprints.

Hackers crack high-tech locks

Security maverick Marc Tobias showed hackers on Saturday how simple it is to defeat some of the world's top high-tech locks.

New method developed to capture fingerprints on difficult surfaces

( -- CSI notwithstanding, forensics experts cannot always retrieve fingerprints from objects, but a conformal coating process developed by Penn State professors can reveal hard-to-develop fingerprints on nonporous ...

Safer swiping while voting and globetrotting

Since 2007, every new U.S. passport has been outfitted with a computer chip. Embedded in the back cover of the passport, the "e-passport" contains biometric data, electronic fingerprints and pictures of the holder, and a ...

Scientists scent breakthrough in truffle trafficking

One of Europe's gastronomic jewels, the fabled black Perigord truffle, has been genetically unravelled, a feat that could doom fakers who pass off inferior truffles as the real thing, scientists said on Sunday.

UK police asks Internet cafes to monitor customers

(AP) -- Internet cafe users in the British capital may want to watch what they download. Scotland Yard is advising administrators of public Web spaces to periodically poke through their customers' files and keep an eye out ...

Scientists tease DNA from eggshell of extinct birds

( -- In a world first, scientists in Australia announced on Wednesday they had extracted DNA from the fossilised eggshells of extinct birds, including iconic giants such as the moa and elephant bird.

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