Related topics: birds

Bad parenting could give zebra finches the evolutionary edge

Species must reproduce to survive, and animals have found unique ways of achieving this. For some, including us, it seems as though producing a few offspring that require extended care is the best strategy. For others, such ...

Pair bonding reinforced in the brain

In addition to their song, songbirds also have an extensive repertoire of calls. While the species-specific song must be learned as a young bird, most calls are, as in the case of all other birds, innate. Researchers at the ...

Birds colour-match their interior designs

Researchers at the University of St Andrews have produced the first experimental evidence that birds actively select nest-building materials that camouflage their nests: published today in influential ornithological journal ...

Half of N. American Birds in peril from climate change

Iconic North American birds like the Bald Eagle and Brown Pelican are among hundreds of mankind's feathered friends facing threats to their survival due to climate change, researchers said Tuesday.

Brain size matters when it comes to animal self-control

( —Chimpanzees may throw tantrums like toddlers, but their total brain size suggests they have more self-control than, say, a gerbil or fox squirrel, according to a new study of 36 species of mammals and birds ...

New discovery finds missing hormone in birds

University of Akron researchers discovered leptin in the mallard duck, peregrine falcon and zebra finch, marking the first time the hormone has been found in birds.

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