How daylight saving time can mess with financial markets

A number of studies show that daylight savings time harms people's decision making processes due to the disturbance it has on their circadian rhythm or body clock. For example, research finds that people experience more pronounced ...

Enhanced prediction for asset returns

NUS data scientists have developed an improved version of the Fama–French three-factor model to provide better estimations of the financial returns for business analysis.

Global liquidity shocks impact house prices

New research from Cass Business School has found that global liquidity shocks do impact house prices in both emerging and advanced economies but this can be mitigated by government policy.

Oil futures volatility and the economy

The drone strike on Saudi Arabia's oil infrastructure has highlighted the fragile and interconnected relationship between crude oil supply and the global economy, with new research bringing these economic ties into greater ...

Trump tweets increasingly moving markets: report

Donald Trump has been tweeting more than ever in recent months and is also moving financial markets more, according to a new report by JPMorgan Chase that analyzed the US president's Twitter habit.

Chinese importers looking at buying more US farm goods

Chinese companies are willing to import more U.S. farm goods, the Ministry of Commerce said Thursday, as envoys prepared to meet in Shanghai next week for talks aimed at ending a tariff war.

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