Better and cheaper healthcare with dry blood samples

Dried blood on filter paper stored for future diagnostic purposes – considerably easier than the present-day, resource-consuming method using frozen blood samples in plastic tubes. In a new study, Uppsala researchers have ...

Wood filter removes toxic dye from water

Engineers at the University of Maryland have developed a new use for wood: to filter water. Liangbing Hu of the Energy Research Center and his colleagues added nanoparticles to wood, then used it to filter toxic dyes from ...

A beach lover's dream: A step toward long-lasting sunscreen

In a perfect world, people would diligently reapply suncreen every couple of hours to protect their delicate skin from damaging solar radiation. But in reality, few people actually adhere to reapplication guidelines, and ...

Team refines filters for greener natural gas

Natural gas producers want to draw all the methane they can from a well while sequestering as much carbon dioxide as possible, and could use filters that optimize either carbon capture or methane flow. No single filter will ...

Fractional calculus helps control systems hit their mark

If you've ever searched for ways to curb your car's gas-guzzling appetite, you've probably heard that running on cruise control can help reduce your trips to the pump. How? Cars, it turns out, are much better than people ...

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