Digital vs. celluloid debate grips movie world

Director Quentin Tarantino lambasts digital film-making as nothing less than the "death of cinema as I know it". Converts hail it as a democratising force for good that is cheaper and faster than celluloid.

Now you see heat, now you don't

Hiding an object from heat-sensing cameras could be useful for military and technology applications as well as for research. Efforts to develop such a method have been underway for decades with varying degrees of success. ...

Japan's Fujifilm seeks tie-up with Olympus

Japanese film and camera maker Fujifilm has offered scandal-hit Olympus a capital and business tie-up, it said Monday as it announced a slump in third-quarter profits.

Russia's Mariinsky theatre premieres 3D Swan Lake

In a first for ballet, Russia's legendary Mariinsky theatre will project every pirouette of its classic "Swan Lake" in 3D to cinema audiences around the world this week, a spokeswoman said on Tuesday.

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