Black holes might not be dead-ends after all

A physical body might be able to cross a wormhole in spite of the extreme tidal forces, suggests a new study by Rubiera-Garcia, of Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA), and his team. This result, published ...

'Material universe' yields surprising new particle

An international team of researchers has predicted the existence of a new type of particle called the type-II Weyl fermion in metallic materials. When subjected to a magnetic field, the materials containing the particle act ...

The role of food prices in the Syrian crisis, and the way forward

The disintegration of Syria and Europe's refugee crisis are only the latest tragic consequences of two spikes in food prices in 2007/08 and 2010/11 that triggered waves of global unrest, including the Arab Spring. Researchers ...

After 100 years, Einstein's theory stands test of time

Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity is about to celebrate its 100th anniversary, and his revolutionary hypothesis has withstood the test of time, despite numerous expert attempts to find flaws.

Titan helps unpuzzle decades-old plutonium perplexities

First produced in 1940, plutonium is one of the most electronically complicated elements on Earth—and because of its complexities, scientists have been struggling to prove the existence of its magnetic properties ever since.

Harnessing the power of waste

What are you wearing right now? It's not a pickup line—it's a measure of your carbon footprint. If you're sporting any man-made fabrics, like polyester, Dacron or rayon, you're clothed in chemicals derived from nonrenewable ...

How researchers listen for gravitational waves

A century ago, Albert Einstein postulated the existence of gravitational waves in his General Theory of Relativity. But until now, these distortions of space-time have remained stubbornly hidden from direct observation. At ...

Strings attached to future high temperature superconductivity

The behaviour of strongly correlated electron systems, such as high temperature superconductors, defies explanation in the language of ordinary quantum theory. A seemingly unrelated area of physics, string theory, might give ...

Xinwen Zhu discusses the unifying theory of mathematics

In 1994, British mathematician Andrew Wiles successfully developed a proof for Fermat's last theorem—a proof that was once partially scribbled in a book margin by 17th-century mathematician Pierre de Fermat but subsequently ...

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