Improving management everywhere

In the Indian state of Karnataka, many smallholder farmers have traditionally sold their products to intermediaries—wholesale traders who turn around and resell the goods for a quick profit. Much of the dealing between ...

Actively addressing inequalities promotes social change

People who have contact with other social groups are more likely to be committed to social justice. However, an international study led by the University of Zurich has shown that for this to be the case, power relations and ...

Plant competition during climate change

How plants cope with stress factors has already been broadly researched. Yet what happens when a plant is confronted with two stressors simultaneously? A research team working with Simon Haberstroh and Prof. Dr. Christiane ...

Five million years of climate change preserved in one place

An international team of researchers, led by the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz, Germany, has now succeeded in reconstructing changes in rainfall in Central Asia over the past five million years. The information ...

Molecular powerhouse of the cell division motor

All living cells must grow and divide in order to multiply. The multiplication of bacteria normally occurs through so-called binary fission. This makes particularly rapid growth possible and is the reason why bacteria, including ...

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