'Knitted muscles' provide power

Researchers have coated normal fabric with an electroactive material, and in this way given it the ability to actuate in the same way as muscle fibres. The technology opens new opportunities to design "textile muscles" that ...

Researchers make one-way street for light

Researchers at FOM institute AMOLF and the University of Texas at Austin have created a compact one-way street for light. That is remarkable because light waves can generally move in both directions inside a material. Optical ...

Obtaining kenaf fibres with ease

Researchers of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) have succeeded in developing Eco-Zyme, an enzyme that is extracted from locally isolated microbes to help in the process of kenaf retting in order to obtain kenaf fibres.

Paving the way for fast low-energy data communications

Fibre-optic cables are revolutionising data communication worldwide. Within three years, Chalmers researchers expect to be able to transfer 100 Gb of data per second in a single fibre with one core, and several terabits per ...

Scientists work on an alternative to carry data

Installing new optical fibres is expensive. So network operators want to make better use of their existing capacities. A new type of laser diode from Darmstadt could help. It has now been put into practice with the industry.

Liquid light switch could enable more powerful electronics

Researchers have built a miniature electro-optical switch which can change the spin—or angular momentum—of a liquid form of light by applying electric fields to a semiconductor device a millionth of a metre in size. Their ...

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