How maths can help explain the workings of our brain

Given that advanced mathematical training is critical for helping to solve some of the most challenging questions about the brain works, why are there so few mathematical neuroscientists?

Crystal creates a supercontinuum breakthrough

Researchers have generated a wide range of colors from a single laser after discovering a new process for achieving so-called "supercontinuum generation."

'Spooky action at a distance' aboard the ISS

( —Albert Einstein famously described quantum entanglement as "spooky action at distance"; however, up until now experiments that examine this peculiar aspect of physics have been limited to relatively small distances ...

Two photons strongly coupled by glass fiber

Usually, light waves do not interact with each other. Coupling of photons with other photons is only possible with the help of special materials and very intense light. Scientists in Vienna have now created the strongest ...

Researchers catch light in a funnel

Professor Ronny Thomale holds a chair for theoretical condensed matter physics, the TP1, at the Julius-Maximilian University of Würzburg. The discovery and theoretical description of new quantum states of matter is a prime ...

'Knitted muscles' provide power

Researchers have coated normal fabric with an electroactive material, and in this way given it the ability to actuate in the same way as muscle fibres. The technology opens new opportunities to design "textile muscles" that ...

Kenya gets undersea broadband fibre optic cable

An undersea fibre optic cable bringing broadband Internet connectivity to east Africa, reached the Kenyan coast from the United Arab Emirates on Friday, the president said.

Building bricks from plastic waste

Revolutionary 'green' types of bricks and construction materials could be made from recycled PVC, waste plant fibers or sand with the help of a remarkable new kind of rubber polymer discovered by Australian scientists.

Foldable robot scooter wows at Tokyo Motor Show

A foldable robot scooter controlled by a smart phone wowed visitors to the Tokyo Motor Show on Thursday as its makers unveiled what they hope will be the future of urban driving.

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