Neutrino data to flow in 2010; NOvA scientists tune design

( -- Physicists may see data as soon as late summer from the prototype for a $278 million science experiment in northern Minnesota that is being designed to find clues to some fundamental mysteries of the universe.

More precise measurements of the W boson

( -- "The W boson is one of the very few major building blocks of matter," Dmitri Denisov tells "It is a member of a family of particles that is the most fundamental in nature. The W boson is responsible ...

Large Hadron Collider preparing 2010 new science restart

At its 153rd session today, the CERN Council heard that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ended its first full period of operation in style on Wednesday 16 December. Collisions at 2.36TeV recorded since last weekend have set ...

Giant atom-smasher set to restart this weekend: CERN

The world's biggest atom-smasher, which was shut down soon after its inauguration amid technical faults, is set to restart this weekend, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research said on Friday.

Grant to Design Neutrino Detector

( -- A consortium led by UC Davis physics professor Robert Svoboda will design the world's largest neutrino detector under a $4.4 million contract recently awarded by the National Science Foundation.

CERN boss wants to bid for linear collider

CERN’s director general Rolf-Dieter Heuer will push for the linear collider, the next big experiment in particle physics after the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), to be built at the Geneva lab. Heuer made his call to situate ...

Fermilab's CDF observes Omega-sub-b baryon

( -- At a recent physics seminar at the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Fermilab physicist Pat Lukens of the CDF experiment announced the observation of a new particle, the Omega-sub-b ...

New experiments constrain Higgs mass (w/Videos)

( -- The territory where the Higgs boson may be found continues to shrink. The latest analysis of data from the CDF and DZero collider experiments at the U.S. Department of Energy's Fermilab now excludes a significant ...

New Limits on the Origin of Dark Matter

( -- Determining the identity of dark matter, the mysterious stuff thought to make up the vast majority of matter in the universe, is one of the most fundamental challenges facing modern physics. Through theory ...

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