Fishing disrupts squaretail grouper mating behavior, study finds

Populations of squaretail grouper face an uncertain future as new research shows fishing that targets their spawning sites is causing males to be repeatedly scared away from their territories during their short mating meetups.

Stress may trigger male crucian carp defense against predators

Only males among the fish species crucian carp have developed a strategy to protect themselves from hungry predators, according to a new study from Lund University in Sweden published in the journal Evolution. The explanation ...

Two sets of sex chromosomes determine more than just sex

Why would having two sets of sex chromosomes instead of one benefit a particular species? In the case of one African cichlid fish, the answer may be as variable as the traits that their offspring display.

Size matters in the sex life of salmon

For Atlantic salmon, size matters when it comes to love. Larger males and females that may spend up to four years at sea produce many more babies, but they are very rare compared to younger fish.

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