Baby vampire bat adopted by mom's best friend

During a study with captive vampire bats at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) in Panama, a young vampire bat pup was adopted by an unrelated female after its mother died. Although this observation was not ...

Mother bats use baby talk to communicate with their pups

When talking to babies, humans slow down their speech, raise their pitch and change the "color" of their voice. This 'baby talk,' as people know it, increases the infant's attention and facilitates language learning. Among ...

Female bats judge a singer by his song

Female lesser short-tailed bats can size up a potential mate just from his singing. A new study in Springer's journal Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology shows that the New Zealand bat species Mystacina tuberculata relies ...

"Ladies choice" reigns in the greater sac-winged bat

Females of the greater sac-winged bat select their mating partner by smell and unerringly choose a male which differs from them the most in genetic terms. Females with more variants of olfactory receptors of the TAAR-group ...

Best romantic singers are male bats

Male bats appear to be the sexy singers of the animal world: they have learned to vocalize in a specific way to attract females, but once they have their attention, they change their tune – literally. They then produce ...

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