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Judge extends order blocking data destruction

A federal judge in San Francisco has extended his nationwide order blocking the National Security Agency from destroying telephone surveillance records.

Judge orders preservation of phone data

A federal judge has directed the government to preserve phone data gathered under a National Security Agency surveillance program beyond a five-year limit.

Judge chides Apple for blocking e-book monitor

A federal judge Thursday rejected Apple's request for more time to comply with a ruling on e-book price-fixing, while chastising the company for failing to cooperate with a court-appointed monitor.

ACLU will appeal NY NSA phone surveillance ruling

A civil rights lawyer says the American Civil Liberties Union is very disappointed that a New York judge has found that a government program that collects millions of Americans' telephone records is legal.

Judge's word on NSA program won't be the last

A federal judge is making headlines by declaring that the National Security Agency's bulk collection of millions of Americans' telephone records is likely unconstitutional. But even he realizes his won't be the last word ...

Jury set to decide how much Samsung owes Apple

A Silicon Valley jury asked a judge for calculators Tuesday to help it determine how much Samsung Electronics owes Apple for copying key features of the iPhone and iPad.

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