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NYC judge asked to throw out border search lawsuit

(AP) -- A federal judge in New York City is questioning why laptops and smartphones should be excluded from random searches done by U.S. customs agents protecting the border.

Downloading case to have 23,000 defendants

( -- How many of you remember the film The Expendables? It was an action flick, featuring some of the biggest names in blowing things up, and soon it will be known as the film that has created the largest illegal-BitTorrent-downloading ...

License to Tweet? UK may restrict posts from court

(AP) -- English courts may restrict the public's freedom to post Twitter updates from inside hearings to avoid the risk of prejudicing trials, the head of the judiciary in England and Wales said Monday.

Bison slaughter challenged as habitat effort flops

(AP) -- Yellowstone National Park's iconic bison herds are suffering their worst winter in several years with almost 400 of the animals being held for possible slaughter - and a much-heralded initiative to expand where they ...

2 charged with stealing iPad users' information

Federal prosecutors in New Jersey are announcing the arrests of two men accused of stealing e-mail addresses and other information from more than 100,000 Apple iPad users.

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