Justices won't hear Google appeal in dispute with Oracle

The Supreme Court is staying out of a long-running legal battle between technology giants Oracle and Google over copyright protection for a computer program that powers most of the world's smartphones and computer tablets.

High court to consider lawsuits over personal data

The Supreme Court said Monday it will decide whether websites and other firms that collect personal data can be sued for publishing inaccurate information even if the mistakes don't cause any actual harm.

IBM sues Priceline over patents

IBM is suing Priceline over a set of patents that the century-old technology firm says have been vital to the relative newcomer's success.

Court rejects early appeal of surveillance ruling

The Supreme Court has declined an early look at a constitutional challenge to the National Security Agency's bulk collection of millions of Americans' telephone records.

US man sues Ethiopia for cyber snooping

A lawsuit filed on Tuesday accuses Ethiopia of infecting a US man's computer with "spyware" as part of a campaign to gather intelligence about those critical of the government.

FBI snooping tactic ruled unconstitutional (Update)

A US judge has ordered the FBI to stop its "pervasive" use of National Security letters to snoop on phone and email records, ruling Friday that the widespread tactic was unconstitutional.

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