Related topics: earthquake · quake · volcano

Strong earthquake hits Maluku in eastern Indonesia

(AP)—A strong earthquake shook parts of eastern Indonesia on Monday, sending residents and hotel guests running out of their rooms, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.

Moderately strong quake hits eastern Indonesia

(AP)—A moderately strong earthquake has hit eastern Indonesia, causing panic among residents, but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. No tsunami warning was issued.

Parts of Mt Fuji 'could collapse' if fault shifts

Parts of Japan's Mount Fuji, a national symbol and key tourist attraction, could collapse if a newly-discovered faultline under the mountain shifts, a government-commissioned report has warned.

Recent Indonesia quake added pressure to key fault

(AP) -- Seismologists say last week's powerful earthquake off western Indonesia increased pressure on the source of the devastating 2004 tsunami: a fault that could unleash another monster wave sometime in the next few decades.

Eastern earthquake unusual but not remarkable

( -- The earthquake that shook University Park and the entire northeast yesterday afternoon (Aug. 23) was unusual in its strength but not an unusual event, according to a Penn State geophysicists.

East vs. West quakes: Way different creatures

(AP) -- The East Coast doesn't get earthquakes often but when they do strike, there's a whole lot more shaking going on. The ground in the East is older, colder and more intact than the West Coast or the famous Pacific Ring ...

Japan quake loaded stress on fault closer to Tokyo

The recent monster quake that hit northeastern Japan altered the earth's surface, geologists say, loading stress onto a different segment of the fault line much closer to Tokyo.

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