Microalgae have great potential as fish feed ingredient

Commercially produced microalgae could become a sustainable fish feed ingredient, a project from the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, has shown. In the project concepts have been developed to grow, ...

An animal to feed your eco-car

Researchers at the University of Bergen and Uni Research have found that a certain type of tunicate - ascidiacea - can be used as a renewable source of biofuel and fish food. This is particularly good news for the growing ...

Sustainable fishing in light of Omega-3 demand

Finding a more eco-friendly way to boost the amount of healthy fats in fish bred for human consumption is the main aim of a new Flinders University PhD project.

Spicing up your fish fillets with science

The health benefits of consuming omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids such as EPA and DHA are well established. The primary sources of these fatty acids in the human diet are through fish and seafood. Researchers ...

Team makes breakthrough toward fish-free aquaculture feed

Dartmouth College scientists have discovered that marine microalgae can completely replace the wild fish oil currently used to feed tilapia, the second most farmed fish in the world and the most widely farmed in the United ...

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