Can we save more lives if we let resistant bacteria live?

Antibiotic resistance is a ticking timebomb under public health. The WHO predicts that in 2050 more people will die from infections than from cancer—and we are talking about infections that we today consider harmless; infections ...

Newly discovered lipid prevents cell death

Programmed cell death is an important tool that an organism uses to keep itself healthy. When a cell does not function as it should, various stress reactions are activated. The goal of these reactions is to restore the original ...

Ocean organism could be key to animal-free meat

A fungus-like microbe taken from the pristine waters of South Australia could prove to be a vital ingredient in making everything from nutritional supplements, medicines and biofuels to animal-free meat, according to Flinders ...

Why stored linseed oil tastes bitter and how to correct it

A team of scientists led by the Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich, in cooperation with the Chair of Food Chemistry and Molecular Sensory Science at the Technical University of ...

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