Scientists shine light on protein linked to fat storage

In new research that may have implications for strategies fighting obesity and diabetes, UNSW scientists have uncovered the structure of a protein believed to regulate the formation of fat in cells, as well as the formation ...

The cells that control the formation of fat

Fat cells, or adipocytes, are at the center of nutritional and metabolic balance. Adipogenesis—the formation of mature fat cells from their precursor cells—has been linked to obesity and related health problems such as ...

Diagnosing obesity by mathematically estimating abdominal fat

Abdominal obesity, or fat that accumulates around one's stomach and abdomen, has long been considered to pose a high health risk in individuals. Hence, measurement of "central obesity"—as it's often called—helps predict ...

Stop eating! You are full

Researchers have identified a molecule sent by fat cells to the fly brain that senses when they have had enough food and inhibits feeding, according to a study publishing March 28 in the open access journal PLOS Biology by ...

RNA pathway plays key role in health, lifespan, fly study shows

Humans and other animals carry rogue sequences of DNA in their genomes called transposable elements (TEs). To prevent passing TEs to their offspring, they employ the piRNA pathway in their reproductive organs to block the ...

When fat cells change their color

In mammals, three types of adipose tissues exist. White adipocytes are mainly located in the abdominal and subcutaneous areas of the body and highly adapted to store excess energy. Conversely, beige and brown adipocytes are ...

Banned chemical pollutant lowers fertility in UK porpoises

A collaborative study led by international conservation charity the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) has found that harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) are struggling to successfully reproduce as a result of chemical ...

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