The impact of white-tailed deer on New Jersey farming

A small group of New Jersey farmers lost nearly $1.3 million to deer damage in 2019, according to a new report by Rutgers Cooperative Extension (RCE) and the Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES).

Women sidelined in agri-tech revolution

The exclusion of women in the digital world is hurting agricultural productivity in low- and middle- income countries, according to global technology experts.

Improved maize yields in Tanzania

Given the extra cost, it's understandable that Tanzanian farmers living below the poverty level may be both unable and unwilling to invest in chemical fertilizers to address soil deficiencies. But research from a multidisciplinary ...

Web3 technology 'puts farmers in charge of their data'

Innovations such as Web3, the third generation of the internet, and easy-to-use video-based technologies in local languages have the potential to drive change in agriculture in developing countries, say technology advocates.

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