Related topics: outbreak

Study links Asian carp with Mississippi River fish drop

Sport fish have declined significantly in portions of the Upper Mississippi River infested with Asian carp, adding evidence to fears about the invader's threat to native species, according to a new study.

Researchers make fish feed from food waste

Two major global environmental issues are food contamination and waste disposal. Professor Wong Ming-hung, Advisor (Environmental Science), and Dr. Brian Man Yu-bon, Assistant Professor, at the Department of Science and Environmental ...

Wind turbine blades could someday be recycled into sweet treats

Wind power is an increasingly popular form of renewable energy. However, when it's time to replace the huge turbine blades that convert wind into electricity, disposal is a problem. Now, scientists report a new composite ...

Dutch kill 190,000 ducks to contain bird flu outbreak

Dutch officials have culled 190,000 ducks on a central Netherlands farm where inspectors have confirmed the presence of a highly infectuous strain of bird flu, officials and local media said Sunday.

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