Unearthing how a carnivorous fungus traps and digests worms

A new analysis sheds light on the molecular processes involved when a carnivorous species of fungus known as Arthrobotrys oligospora senses, traps and consumes a worm. Hung-Che Lin of Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan, and ...

Phylogenetic analysis forces rethink of termite evolution

Despite their important ecological role as decomposers, termites are often overlooked in research. Evolutionary biologists at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) have constructed a new ...

Financial knowledge not enough for low-income parents, says study

Low-income parents of young children frequently face day-to-day difficulties in feeding and housing their families. Social services for such parents often include financial education designed to help build basic knowledge ...

For family violence among adolescents, mattering matters

Adolescents who believe they matter to their families are less likely to threaten or engage in violence against family members, according to a new study led by Brown University sociologist Gregory Elliott. The research s ...

Does flexible work 'work' for Aussie parents?

An Australian study examining the relationship between flexibility and parent health has revealed formal family-friendly workplace provisions alone are not meeting the demands of working mothers and fathers.

Family largely ignored in Canada's response to youth homelessness

The role of family in ending youth homelessness is largely ignored in Canada, according to a report released today by York University, though there is evidence that family reconnection works in Australia and the United Kingdom ...