The blame game in work-family conflict

When the demands of work and family conflict, is the job blamed, is the family role blamed or is blame placed on both? And what are the consequences?

Remote work and the pursuit of equality

The shift to remote working in March 2020 caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has raised many questions on the future of work. A new report looks at who has benefited from remote and hybrid work models and what organizations ...

New insights on work, stress, and political skills

New research published in the Journal of Employment Counseling indicates that when employees regard work demands as hindrances to achieving their goals, they become emotionally exhausted and consequently become disengaged ...

Preventing toxic work environments through ethical leadership

Recently published research from SDSU management professor, Dr. Gabi Eissa and University of Wisconsin—Eau Claire management professor, Dr. Rebecca Wyland, shows that "managers who demonstrate ethical leadership through ...

Family law reform outcome not as expected

Separated families in Australia are living with less parental conflict, an outcome likely to have been brought about by increased relationship services, not parenting time arrangements.

Family largely ignored in Canada's response to youth homelessness

The role of family in ending youth homelessness is largely ignored in Canada, according to a report released today by York University, though there is evidence that family reconnection works in Australia and the United Kingdom ...

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