Author Grisham laments bad courtroom science

Best-selling crime author John Grisham told lawmakers that faulty science is all over the US justice system, and urged nationwide improvements to forensic techniques.

Exonerations correct only a small fraction of false convictions

( -- Criminal justice scholars often say that the true number of innocent people convicted of crimes is unknown—in fact, unknowable. A new University of Michigan study challenges that belief in one important ...

Appeals court orders new trial in Brocade case

(AP) -- A federal appeals court has tossed out the criminal conviction of the first Silicon Valley executive to go to trial in a stock options scandal that triggered charges against at least a dozen executives.

Eyewitness identification reforms not always supported by data

California is often a trendsetter on public policy. But when it comes to reforming the way law enforcement agencies and courts handle eyewitness identification evidence, the state may have benefited from a more cautious approach, ...