Prototype gravitational wave spacecraft sets new free fall record

A key component of a future gravitational wave observatory passed a series of tests with flying colors, while coming closer to experiencing true free fall than any other human-made object ever has. At the heart of the experiment ...

Custodian of world's longest running experiment dies

The science professor who oversaw the world's longest running laboratory test—the Pitch Drop Experiment—has died after more than half a century on its watch, his university said Monday.

A new experiment to understand dark matter

Is dark matter a source of a yet unknown force in addition to gravity? The mysterious dark matter is little understood and trying to understand its properties is an important challenge in modern physics and astrophysics. ...

Explainer: What is microgravity?

It's easy to assume that astronauts float in space because they are far away from the Earth's gravitational force. But look at the moon. It is much further away than the International Space Station, yet it orbits around the ...

An atom chip interferometer that could detect quantum gravity

Physicists in Israel have created a quantum interferometer on an atom chip. This device can be used to explore the fundamentals of quantum theory by studying the interference pattern between two beams of atoms. University ...

CRISPR-Cas9-edited plant genomes may not be classified as GMOs

The Swedish Board of Agriculture has, after questions from researchers in Umeå and Uppsala in Sweden, confirmed the interpretation that some plants in which the genome has been edited using the CRISPR-Cas9 technology do ...

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